How to Share a YouTube Video on Instagram

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10 mins

Discover seamless ways to share your favorite YouTube videos on Instagram, enhancing your content and engagement.


Reviewed by Chloe Bidle

Creative social media strategist, driving engagement and innovation.

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  1. What to Consider in Advance Before Sharing
    1. Video Length
    2. Audience Relevance
    3. Thumbnail Quality
    4. Video Format
    5. Instagram Caption
    6. Hashtags
    7. Posting Time
    8. Call to Action
    9. Engagement Strategy
    10. Cross-Promotion
  2. How to Post YouTube Videos on Instagram Story
    1. As a Link
  3. How to Share a YouTube Video on Instagram Stories
  4. How to Share a YouTube Video on Reels
  5. How to Share a YouTube Video on Instagram Feed
  6. Why Should You Post Videos from YouTube to Instagram?
  7. The Bottom Line
  8. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. What are the steps to post a YouTube video on an Instagram Reel?
    2. How can I share a YouTube video to my Instagram Story on an iPhone?
    3. Is it possible to share a YouTube link directly within my Instagram feed?
    4. What is the process for sharing YouTube Shorts on an Instagram Story?
    5. How do I post a YouTube video to my Instagram Story using an Android device?
    6. Can the same video be uploaded to both YouTube and Instagram, and are there any restrictions?

Sharing YouTube videos on Instagram can expand your content's reach and engage your audience on multiple platforms. You might want to share a valuable tutorial, an inspiring talk, or a funny clip with your Instagram followers. While there's no direct feature that links YouTube to Instagram for seamless sharing, the process involves a few more steps to achieve the same result.

You'll begin by obtaining the link to the YouTube video you wish to share. Then, with the help of a video downloader, either through a website or an app, you can download the video to your device. Once downloaded, it's a matter of uploading the video to Instagram as a post on your feed or sharing it via Instagram Stories, where you can further edit and tailor the content to fit your Instagram aesthetic.

Remember to always respect copyright laws and only share content that you have the rights to post. Understanding this process not only enhances your content strategy but allows you to maintain a consistent and engaging presence across social media platforms.

What to Consider in Advance Before Sharing

Before sharing a YouTube video on Instagram, you need to tailor your video content to meet Instagram's specific requirements and ensure maximum engagement with your followers. Choosing the right video and presentation can significantly impact your post's performance.

Video Length

Instagram has a length restriction for videos: 60 seconds for feed posts. Ensure your YouTube video is either less than this limit or trimmed appropriately. For Stories, the limit is 15 seconds per segment, while IGTV allows for longer content.

Audience Relevance

Assess your target audience's interests—the video content should be relevant and valuable to your Instagram followers. Irrelevant content may decrease follower interaction and visibility.

Thumbnail Quality

The thumbnail needs to stand out in a feed. Use a high-quality image that accurately represents the video content. Resolution should be 1080p or as high as possible within Instagram's limits.

Video Format

Upload video content in MP4 format, maintaining a resolution of 1080p where possible. The aspect ratio for feed posts is typically 16:9 or 4:9, but 1:1 for a square post. Instagram does not support 4K video, with 720p being the standard for Stories.

Instagram Caption

Craft a caption that is engaging but also reflects what the video content is about. Your caption should add context and evoke curiosity or a response from your audience.


Use relevant hashtags to improve discoverability. Best practice suggests a mix of popular and niche tags but avoid overloading. Around 5 to 10 tags are usually sufficient.

Posting Time

Post during peak times when your audience is most active. Utilize Instagram's analytics tools to find when your followers are online and most engaged.

Call to Action

Include a call to action in your video or caption. This could be encouraging followers to share the post, leave a comment, or follow a link in your bio.

Engagement Strategy

Have a strategy ready for engagement. Respond to comments and interact with followers who engage with your post to foster a sense of community and encourage further interaction.


To increase visibility, consider cross-promotion on other platforms, such as Facebook or TikTok. Utilize social media management tools to streamline the process and maintain a consistent presence across your profile.

How to Post YouTube Videos on Instagram Story

To share YouTube video content on your Instagram Story, you primarily use the link sticker to create a clickable gateway for your viewers.

As a Link

  • Copy the YouTube Video URL: Visit YouTube, find the video you wish to share, and copy its link. This can be done by clicking on the 'Share' icon and selecting 'Copy link'.

  • Open Instagram: Launch your Instagram app and navigate to the home screen.

  • Start Your Story: Swipe right or tap the camera icon on the top left to create a new story.

  • Capture or Select Content: You can either record a new video, take a photo, or select one from your camera roll as a background for your link.

  • Access the Sticker Tray: On the story screen, swipe up or tap the smiley sticker icon at the top of the screen to open the sticker tray.

  • Find and Select 'Link Sticker': In the sticker tray, locate the 'Link' sticker, which allows you to add a URL to your story.

  • Paste the YouTube URL: Tap on the 'Link' sticker, and when prompted, paste the YouTube video link you copied earlier.

  • Position Your Link Sticker: Place the link sticker wherever you prefer on your story to make it easily noticeable for your viewers.

  • Share Your Story: Once the link is embedded, tap 'Your Story' at the bottom to share with all of your followers or 'Close Friends' if you have a curated list.

Tip: Customize the background content with text, drawings, or other stickers to make it engaging. This encourages viewers to tap the link and increases the chance they will watch the YouTube video.

How to Share a YouTube Video on Instagram Stories

To share a YouTube video on your Instagram Story, you first need to ensure the video is saved in a format compatible with Instagram. The process involves several steps to properly transfer the content from one platform to another.

Step 1: Obtain the Video URL

  • Open the YouTube app or navigate to the YouTube website.
  • Find the video you want to share.
  • Tap on the Share icon.
  • Select Copy link.

Step 2: Download the Video

  • Use an online video downloader tool to save the video from YouTube to your camera roll. Ensure you have the right to use the content you're downloading.

Step 3: Prepare the Video for Instagram

  • Edit the video length if necessary, as Instagram Stories are limited to 15 seconds per segment.
  • Add any desired customizations using an editing app, such as filters or text.

Step 4: Upload to Your Instagram Story

  • Open the Instagram app.
  • Swipe left or tap the camera icon in the top left to access the Stories feature.
  • Swipe up or tap the gallery icon to open your camera roll.
  • Select the downloaded YouTube video from your camera roll.
  • Once the video is loaded, you can use Instagram's built-in editing tools to add any final touches.
  • Tap Your Story at the bottom to share with all your followers or select Close Friends to share with a select group.

Remember, you must respect copyright rules and only share content you have the rights to. By following these steps, you'll successfully share YouTube videos on your Instagram Stories.

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How to Share a YouTube Video on Reels

If you want to share a YouTube video on Instagram Reels, the process involves several steps. Firstly, ensure the video is appropriate for the platform and does not infringe on copyright laws.

Step 1: Download the Video

  • Use an online service to download the YouTube video onto your mobile device.
  • Services like will allow you to input the video URL and download the file, typically in MP4 format.

Step 2: Editing for Reels

  • Edit the video to meet the Reels format. Instagram Reels supports videos up to 15 seconds long, though you can merge several clips for up to 30 seconds of content.
  • Use editing tools to adjust the aspect ratio to fit the vertical format of Reels.

Step 3: Posting to Instagram

  • Open Instagram and select the Reels option at the bottom of the camera interface.
  • Upload the video from your device. Use Instagram’s editing tools for any final adjustments on the spot, if needed.

Step 4: Share Your Reel

  • Add a caption, hashtags, and any additional information to enhance your video post.
  • Finally, share your Reel by posting it to your Instagram account.

Keep in mind the cultural norms and copyright policies when sharing content on any social media platform. Your YouTube video on Instagram Reels should be original or you must have proper rights to share it.

How to Share a YouTube Video on Instagram Feed

When sharing a YouTube video on your Instagram feed, there are several critical steps you need to follow to ensure compatibility with Instagram’s submission guidelines.

  1. Download the Video: Since direct sharing from YouTube to Instagram is not possible, you must first download the video to your device. You can use trusted third-party downloading tools for this purpose.

  2. Edit for Compliance:

    • Format: Convert the video to a supported format, typically MP4.
    • Length: Instagram feed videos should typically be between 3 seconds and 1 minute. Trim your video appropriately.
    • Size: Modify the video to comply with Instagram's aspect ratio and resolution requirements. For the feed, a square (1:1), landscape (1.91:1), or vertical (4:5) ratio will work.
  3. Prepare the Post:

    • Caption: Prepare a concise caption that conveys your video's message. Using relevant hashtags can enhance discoverability.
    • Hashtags: Use a mix of broad and niche-specific hashtags to reach a wider audience.
  4. Upload:

    • Access Instagram: Open your Instagram app and tap the "+" icon.
    • Gallery: Select the edited video from your gallery.
    • Preview: After uploading, you can use Instagram’s editing tools for final tweaks.
    • Share: Add your prepared caption and hashtag, then tap “Share” to post the video to your feed.

Remember to credit the original content creator if the video is not your own, and ensure you have the right to share third-party content. Adhering to these steps will help you successfully share YouTube videos on your Instagram feed.

Why Should You Post Videos from YouTube to Instagram?

Posting your YouTube videos on Instagram can significantly enhance your social media outreach by maximizing visibility across platforms. When you share video content originally posted on YouTube to your Instagram, you tap into a diverse audience that might not be present on both platforms.

Cross-promotion is a potent strategy for growth. By posting on Instagram, you make your content accessible to Instagram followers who may not be subscribers to your YouTube channel. This drives traffic from Instagram to YouTube, potentially increasing your subscriber count.

Engagement rates can rise as a result. Instagram's algorithm favors visual content, and when you share engaging videos, you are likely to see higher levels of engagement in the form of likes, comments, and shares. Videos can open discussions and encourage followers to interact more actively with your content.

Leveraging Instagram's features, like Stories and IGTV, allows for a creative presentation of your videos. Directing your Instagram followers to YouTube through link stickers or profile links can seamlessly integrate your content across both platforms.

Lastly, consistent cross-platform posting can strengthen your brand and maintain a cohesive online presence. Here’s a brief list of benefits you gain:

  • Increased Visibility: Reach a broader audience beyond YouTube.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Take advantage of Instagram's high interaction levels.
  • Subscriber Growth: Convert Instagram followers into YouTube subscribers.
  • Unified Branding: Maintain consistent brand messaging across social media.

By posting your YouTube videos to Instagram, you're not just sharing content; you're strategically expanding your digital footprint and creating new avenues for audience growth and engagement.

The Bottom Line

When sharing a YouTube video on Instagram, it's crucial to consider best practices and content strategy to ensure that your video content is well-received. Remember, reposting YouTube videos to Instagram involves a few technical steps:

  • Download: You need to obtain a copy of the YouTube video, typically by using a video downloader service.
  • Repurpose: Adjust your video to fit Instagram's format. This can involve trimming the length, resizing, or even adding engaging elements like text or filters.

Keep the following points in mind:

  • Copyright: Only share videos that you have the right to repost.
  • Attribution: Always credit the original creator if you’re sharing someone else’s content.
  • Quality: Ensure the downloaded video maintains a high resolution to capture your audience's attention better.

When executed correctly, your repurposed video can enhance your Instagram content library and engage your followers. Here are some key takeaways in a simplified format:

Step Action Required
Download Use a downloader to get the video.
Repurpose Edit to meet Instagram standards.
Credit Attribute the original creator.
Share Post on your Instagram feed or Story.

By following these guidelines, you present yourself as a knowledgeable and responsible member of the social media community, respecting both content creators and copyright laws.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section covers the commonly asked questions about sharing YouTube videos on Instagram, including steps for various methods and the nuances of each platform.

What are the steps to post a YouTube video on an Instagram Reel?

You'll need to download the YouTube video you wish to post, either through a video downloader service or application. Once downloaded, open Instagram, swipe to the Reels section, and upload your video from your phone’s gallery.

How can I share a YouTube video to my Instagram Story on an iPhone?

Copy the YouTube video link you want to share, and then use a downloading service to save the video to your iPhone. Afterwards, go to Instagram, swipe right to access your Story, and upload the video from your camera roll.

Is it possible to share a YouTube link directly within my Instagram feed?

No, you cannot directly post a YouTube link in your Instagram feed post. Instagram does not allow for direct video playing from YouTube links in the feed. You would have to upload the video content itself or share the link via your bio or Instagram Story.

What is the process for sharing YouTube Shorts on an Instagram Story?

The process is similar to sharing a regular YouTube video. Download the YouTube Short, then open Instagram, tap on 'Your Story' and upload the downloaded Short from your smartphone’s gallery or camera roll.

How do I post a YouTube video to my Instagram Story using an Android device?

Copy the link of the desired YouTube video, use a third-party app to download the video onto your Android device, and then upload it to your Instagram Story by selecting the video from your device’s photo gallery.

Can the same video be uploaded to both YouTube and Instagram, and are there any restrictions?

Yes, you can upload the same video to both platforms; however, be aware of each platform's specifications. Instagram has limitations on video length and aspect ratio, so you may need to edit your video to meet Instagram's requirements before uploading.

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