How to Repost on Instagram: A Quick and Easy Guide

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6 mins

Learn the latest methods for reposting content on Instagram in 2024, ensuring your feed remains dynamic and engaging.


Reviewed by Chloe Bidle

Creative social media strategist, driving engagement and innovation.

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  1. The Benefits of Reposting on Instagram
    1. Increased Visibility
    2. Engages Your Audience
    3. Expands Your Reach
    4. Refreshes Your Content
    5. Boosts Post Performance
    6. Gains New Followers
    7. Reinforces Your Brand
    8. Extends Post Lifespan
  2. Steps to Reshare a Post on Instagram
    1. Open the Instagram App
    2. Find the Post You Want to Reshare
    3. Tap the 'Paper Airplane' Icon (Share) Beneath the Post
    4. Select 'Add Post to Your Story'
    5. Customize Your Reshared Post
    6. Tap 'Your Story' to Share the Post on Your Story
    7. Alternatively, Tap 'Send To' to Share It with Specific Friends or Groups
    8. Confirm the Reshare by Tapping 'Send' or 'Your Story,' Depending on Your Choice
  3. How to Decide What You Should Repost on Instagram
    1. Relevance to Your Audience
    2. High-Quality Visuals
    3. Alignment with Your Brand or Personal Image
    4. Timeliness and Current Trends
    5. Engagement Metrics on the Original Post
    6. Unique or Interesting Content
    7. Inspirational or Motivational Content
  4. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. Is there a way to repost a photo or video I'm tagged in to my own Instagram feed?
    2. Can I repost a video from Instagram Reels, and if so, how?
    3. What method should iPhone users follow to repost content on Instagram?
    4. Does Instagram have an integrated feature for reposting, or do I need a third-party app?

Reposting on Instagram is a useful tactic in your social media toolkit, allowing you to share and amplify other users' content while engaging with your community. This approach can be an integral part of your content strategy, especially when aiming to showcase collaborations, user-generated content, or to highlight appreciation for your audience's creations. It not only enriches your feed with a variety of perspectives but it also fortifies relationships within your digital ecosystem.

As you incorporate reposting into your marketing strategy, understanding the etiquette and the technical aspects becomes crucial. When you find content that aligns with your brand's message and resonates with your audience, reposting—with proper credit to the original creator—is a gesture that often leads to increased engagement. Whether it is posts, stories, or reels, sharing content directly from other users to your feed or story introduces a shared experience that reinforces your brand's community spirit.

It's essential to navigate this aspect of Instagram responsibly and respectfully. Ensure that you have the original poster's permission to share their content and familiarize yourself with Instagram's guidelines to maintain the integrity of your account. By mastering the ability to repost content effectively, you solidify your presence on the platform and contribute positively to the communal nature of social media.

The Benefits of Reposting on Instagram

Reposting on Instagram can significantly enhance your content strategy by leveraging user-generated content and fostering a vibrant community around your brand. This straightforward tactic can help sustain an active presence on the platform with minimal resources.

Increased Visibility

By reposting content, you increase the chances of visibility not only to your existing followers but also to the original poster's audience. This cross-pollination of audiences can lead to new followers discovering your Instagram profile.

Engages Your Audience

Engaging content drives the dynamic Instagram environment. Reposting creates a direct connection with your audience, showing that you value what they share. It invites further interactions and can transform passive viewers into active participants.

Expands Your Reach

Every time you repost, you tap into new networks and demographics that might have been unreachable. This method effectively expands your brand's reach, making use of popular hashtags and the influence of other community members.

Refreshes Your Content

Your feed gets revitalized when you repost diverse and high-quality content from various sources. It presents a break from content created in-house, adding variety and freshness for your followers.

Boosts Post Performance

Reposts often come with their own set of engagements. By leveraging existing likes, comments, and shares, you provide social proof that can boost the performance of both the reposted content and your overall feed.

Gains New Followers

New followers may come aboard as they see familiar faces on your feed, or discover your profile through hashtags and mentions associated with reposted content.

Reinforces Your Brand

Carefully curated reposts can reinforce your brand's values and aesthetics. By consistently sharing content that aligns with your message, you forge stronger brand identity and association.

Extends Post Lifespan

When you repost content, especially to features like stories or highlights, you extend the life of a post beyond the original share. By adding content to your archive or an Instagram Story highlight, it remains accessible and can continue to attract views and engagement over time.

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Steps to Reshare a Post on Instagram

Resharing a post to your Instagram story or sending it directly to other users can be accomplished in a few simple steps. This process is supported on iOS and Android devices, including iPhones and iPads.

Open the Instagram App

Begin by opening the Instagram app on your device. Ensure that you are logged into your account.

Find the Post You Want to Reshare

Navigate through your feed to find the post you want to share. It can be a photo or video from the accounts you follow or from a public profile.

Tap the 'Paper Airplane' Icon (Share) Beneath the Post

Once you've found the post, locate the 'Paper Airplane' icon directly below the post image to access the sharing options.

Select 'Add Post to Your Story'

Clicking the 'Paper Airplane' icon will open a menu where you have the option to "Add Post to Your Story." Tap on it to begin the process of resharing.

Customize Your Reshared Post

Instagram will then redirect you to a new screen where you can edit the reshared post. Use Instagram's editing tools to add text, stickers, filters, or a caption to your post. Don't forget to add an attribution mark to credit the original poster.

Tap 'Your Story' to Share the Post on Your Story

After customizing, tap on the 'Your Story' button at the bottom to immediately share the reshared post to your Instagram story, making it visible to your followers or close friends list for 24 hours.

Alternatively, Tap 'Send To' to Share It with Specific Friends or Groups

If you prefer to send the reshared post to specific people, select the 'Send To' option instead. This allows you to share the post through direct messages with particular friends or groups.

Confirm the Reshare by Tapping 'Send' or 'Your Story,' Depending on Your Choice

Finally, confirm your choice by tapping on 'Send' if you are sending it through direct messages, or 'Your Story' if you are adding it to your story. This action completes the reshare process.

How to Decide What You Should Repost on Instagram

Selecting content to repost on Instagram can significantly influence your marketing strategy and audience engagement. Focus on material that adds value to your target demographics, remains congruent with your brand image, and generates interactions.

Relevance to Your Audience

Evaluate whether the content resonates with your target demographic's interests and needs. Repost photos or videos that reflect topics your followers are passionate about to maintain a strong connection.

High-Quality Visuals

Instagram is driven by visual content; therefore, choose high-definition photos and videos that are visually appealing. Clear, striking visuals are more likely to capture attention and perform well in terms of engagement.

Alignment with Your Brand or Personal Image

Ensure the content aligns with your brand's identity or personal branding goals. Consistency in the material you share reinforces your brand's message and strengthens recognition.

Timeliness and Current Trends

Tap into trending topics and current events. Sharing timely, relevant content can position you as a go-to source and can boost interaction through likes, comments, and shares.

Engagement Metrics on the Original Post

Consider the original content's engagement metrics such as likes and comments. High engagement suggests that the post may be well-received by your own audience.

Unique or Interesting Content

Your audience appreciates originality. Choose to repost unique content or creative posts that stand out and provide a fresh perspective or insight.

Inspirational or Motivational Content

Incorporating inspirational or motivational content with positive messaging can foster a sense of community and can be a powerful tool in resonating emotionally with your audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Navigating Instagram's functionalities can be puzzling, especially when trying to share content that you admire. Here are some targeted answers to common questions regarding reposting on Instagram.

Is there a way to repost a photo or video I'm tagged in to my own Instagram feed?

When you're tagged in a photo or video, you can share it to your Story but not directly to your feed. Saving the content and then uploading it with proper credits given to the original poster is the alternative approach.

Can I repost a video from Instagram Reels, and if so, how?

To repost a video from Instagram Reels, you must first obtain permission from the original content creator. Then, you can use a screen recording feature on your device to capture the video and repost it on your feed or Story, making sure to credit the original creator.

What method should iPhone users follow to repost content on Instagram?

iPhone users can repost content by taking a screenshot or screen recording of the desired media, cropping it accordingly, and sharing it as a new post. Remember to credit the original source when you upload, as per Instagram's community guidelines.

Does Instagram have an integrated feature for reposting, or do I need a third-party app?

Instagram does not currently offer an in-built reposting feature. To repost content, you can either do it manually by saving and uploading the content or by using third-party apps designed for this purpose, such as Repost for Instagram or other similar tools. Always credit the original creator when using these apps.

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