How to Pin a Comment on Instagram: Step-by-Step Guide

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8 mins

Discover the simple steps to pinning comments on Instagram, spotlighting positive interactions and fostering community engagement.


Reviewed by Chloe Bidle

Creative social media strategist, driving engagement and innovation.

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  1. Steps to Follow on Android and IOS
    1. Installing the Instagram App
    2. Navigating the Instagram Interface
    3. The Process of Pinning a Comment
  2. Understanding Comment Pinning
    1. What Is Pinning?
    2. Benefits of Pinning Comments
    3. Impact on Engagement and Visibility
  3. Pinning Comments on Instagram Posts
    1. How to Pin a Comment
    2. Unpinning a Comment
    3. Restrictions and Limitations
    4. Account Types and Comment Pinning
  4. Managing Comments and Interactions
    1. Advanced Comment Features
    2. Managing Negative Interactions
  5. Enhancing Viewer Engagement on Instagram
    1. Effective Use of Pinned Comments in Stories and Reels
    2. Asking Questions and Curating Top Comments
  6. Conclusion
    1. Summarizing the Importance of Comment Pinning
  7. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. Is it possible to pin a comment on an Instagram story, and if so, how?
    2. What is the process for pinning comments on Instagram Reels?
    3. Can comments be pinned during an Instagram Live session, and what is the procedure to do so?
    4. What could be the reasons for being unable to pin a comment on Instagram?
    5. What does pinning a comment on Instagram entail?

Engaging with your audience on Instagram involves managing comments which can set the tone of your community interaction. Pinning a comment elevates it to the top of your post, highlighting positive feedback or important information. This feature offers a strategic way to guide the conversation and showcase the best engagement your content receives.

When you pin a comment on your Instagram post, it becomes the first thing people read. This not only emphasizes the pinned comment but can also influence the thread of ongoing discussions. Whether it's a rave review, a common question, or a note from you as the content creator, pinning a comment helps you communicate effectively with those who view your posts.

Utilizing this function is simple. On your own Instagram post, swipe left on the comment you wish to highlight, and tap the pin icon. Up to three comments can be pinned to the top of your post, allowing for versatility in what you choose to feature. Should you decide to change or remove a pinned comment, tapping the pin icon again will unpin it, allowing you to select a different comment to highlight.

Steps to Follow on Android and IOS

This section will guide you through the simple yet specific steps to pin comments to your posts on Instagram, whether you're using Android or IOS devices.

Installing the Instagram App

First, ensure that you have the Instagram mobile app installed on your device. For Android, download it from the Google Play Store, and for IOS, get it from the App Store. Open the app and log in or sign up to proceed.

Navigating the Instagram Interface

After logging in, navigate to your profile by tapping the profile icon at the bottom right of the screen. Select the post where you want to pin the comment by tapping on it.

The Process of Pinning a Comment

Follow these steps to pin a comment to your own post:

  1. Tap on the Comments button below your post to view all comments.
  2. Swipe left on the comment you want to pin.
  3. Several icons will appear. Tap the Pin icon, which resembles a thumbtack.

That's it! The comment will now be pinned to the top of your comments section, making it readily visible to anyone viewing your post. You can pin up to three comments on a single post. If you wish to unpin a comment, simply swipe left again and tap the Pin icon. Remember, this can only be done with comments on your own posts, whether it's a photo, reel, or story.

Understanding Comment Pinning

When you pin a comment on Instagram, you exercise control over your post's interactions, facilitating engagement and increasing the visibility of select comments.

What Is Pinning?

Pinning is the process of selecting a particular comment and using the pin feature to elevate it to the top of the comments section. To pin a comment, simply swipe left on it and tap the thumbtack icon (or pushpin icon). The comment will then remain at the top, acting as a highlighted message for anyone viewing the post. If you wish to remove the comment from its prominent position, you can swipe left again and select the thumbtack icon to unpin the comment.

Benefits of Pinning Comments

Pinning comments allows you to:

  • Highlight Positive Feedback: By pinning a comment, you can draw attention to positive interactions, which might encourage further positive engagement.
  • Guide the Conversation: You can steer the narrative of your post by pinning comments that reflect the message you want to convey.

Impact on Engagement and Visibility

  • Increased Interaction: A pinned comment can prompt viewers to engage more with your post, as it's the first piece of audience interaction they see.
  • Visibility for Important Messages: If you pin critical updates or information, it ensures that your message stands out immediately to anyone accessing the comments section.

Pinning Comments on Instagram Posts

To enhance interaction and manage your social media presence effectively on Instagram, understanding how to pin and unpin comments on your posts is essential. This allows you to highlight certain comments and moderate your profile's comment section.

How to Pin a Comment

  1. Open the Instagram App: First, access your Instagram profile and navigate to the specific post.
  2. Find the Comment: Scroll to the comment you want to highlight.
  3. Swipe and Pin: Swipe left on the comment to reveal options and tap the pin icon. Your comment is now pinned to the top of the comment section.

Unpinning a Comment

To remove a comment from the top of your post's comment section:

  1. Swipe left on the pinned comment.
  2. Tap the pin icon again to unpin that comment.

Restrictions and Limitations

  • You can pin up to three comments on a single Instagram post.
  • Pinned comments are public and can be seen by anyone viewing the post.
  • You cannot pin your own comments.

Account Types and Comment Pinning

  • Both personal and business accounts can pin comments on their own posts.
  • Comment pinning is not supported through the web and Windows Instagram apps; use the mobile app to utilize this function.
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Managing Comments and Interactions

In the dynamic space of Instagram, effectively managing comments and interactions is key for maintaining a healthy engagement on your posts. Explore the advanced features that Instagram offers and learn how to handle negative interactions with confidence.

Advanced Comment Features

Pin Comments: When you want to highlight specific comments that are constructive or particularly positive, you can pin them to the top of the comments section. To pin a comment:

  1. Swipe left over the comment.
  2. Tap the thumbtack icon. You can pin up to three comments on a single post.

Delete Comments: To keep your comments section relevant and clean, you might need to delete comments. Swipe left on the unwanted comment and tap the trashcan icon to delete it.

Advanced Comment Filtering: Instagram allows you to automatically hide offensive comments or manually filter words that you consider inappropriate. You can turn these settings on in your account's privacy settings, under Comments.

Turn Off Commenting: For complete control over the interactions on a post, you can disable comments entirely by tapping the three dots ('...') above your post and selecting Turn Off Commenting.

Managing Negative Interactions

Inevitably, negative interactions such as offensive comments or cyber-bullying can occur. It's important to handle these situations promptly and with care.

  1. Hide Offensive Comments: Automatically hide comments that contain words or phrases often reported as offensive by turning on the Hide Offensive Comments feature in your settings.

  2. Delete Comments: If a comment slips through the filters, you can delete it to prevent any potential harm or distress.

  3. Restrict or Block Users: For repetitive negative interactions, consider using the Restrict or Block functions to prevent the user from commenting on your posts in the future.

Managing comments and interactions on Instagram is crucial to foster a positive community and ensure your profile remains a place for healthy dialogue. Using these tools, you can create a supportive environment for your followers to interact with your content.

Enhancing Viewer Engagement on Instagram

To significantly boost your visibility and interaction on Instagram, focusing on engagement strategies is essential. Your use of pinned comments can play a pivotal role in maintaining a dynamic and interactive profile.

Effective Use of Pinned Comments in Stories and Reels

Pinning comments to your Instagram stories and reels can enhance your engagement by highlighting user interactions that are supportive, funny, or insightful. When you pin a comment, it stays at the top of the comments section, making it the first thing viewers see. Here's how you can do that effectively:

  • Stories: While pinned comments are not a feature in stories yet, you can manually add a comment as a text sticker in your story, which simulates the effect of pinning.
  • Reels: When you notice a particular comment that aligns with the message you're trying to convey, pin it to encourage similar feedback.

To pin a comment on a reel:

  1. View the reel.
  2. Tap the comments icon.
  3. Select the comment you wish to pin.
  4. Swipe left on the comment and tap the pin icon.

Asking Questions and Curating Top Comments

Engage directly with your audience by asking questions in your posts to encourage them to leave comments. Once you gather a range of responses, pin the most relevant or engaging ones to the top. Not only does this approach increase the visibility of quality interactions, but it also encourages further community participation.

Curating top comments involves selecting those that offer value, whether through humor, insight, or informative content, and pinning them to showcase community engagement. Here's how to curate and pin effectively:

  • Review comments regularly to find stand-out contributions.
  • Recognize and promote comments that add value to your post.
  • Use pinned comments to guide the narrative of the post.

By implementing these strategies, you're not just highlighting specific comments; you're fostering an environment where engagement is recognized and rewarded.


In mastering the feature of pinning comments on Instagram, you enhance visibility and encourage engagement on your posts.

Summarizing the Importance of Comment Pinning

Pinning comments is a strategic function you can use to direct your audience to the most relevant, insightful, or positive interactions. When you pin a comment, it takes a prime spot beneath your Instagram post, elevating its significance and making it the first comment viewers notice. This practice:

  • Engages the community by highlighting comments that can spark further conversation.
  • Signals to new viewers the nature of dialogue you value, as pinned comments typically reflect the tone and content you want to promote.
  • Provides a way for you to acknowledge and reward constructive or complimentary feedback from your followers.

Remember, the comments you choose to pin can significantly impact the engagement dynamics of your Instagram profile. Use this tool wisely to foster a positive and interactive social media presence.

Frequently Asked Questions

Navigating Instagram's various features can sometimes be confusing. This section aims to clarify your questions regarding the pinning of comments across different parts of Instagram, including stories, reels, live sessions, and troubleshooting issues.

Is it possible to pin a comment on an Instagram story, and if so, how?

No, Instagram currently does not allow users to pin comments on stories. Comments cannot be added to stories in the same way they are on posts.

What is the process for pinning comments on Instagram Reels?

As of the last update, pinning comments on Instagram Reels is not a feature provided by Instagram. Comments on reels can be liked and replied to, but not pinned.

Can comments be pinned during an Instagram Live session, and what is the procedure to do so?

During an Instagram Live session, you cannot pin comments. Live interactions are designed to be ephemeral and do not support comment pinning.

What could be the reasons for being unable to pin a comment on Instagram?

You may be unable to pin a comment if you're trying to pin more than three comments, as that is the limit. Additionally, you cannot pin your own comments. Make sure you're using the latest version of the app and that you're attempting to pin a comment on a post and not a story or reel.

What does pinning a comment on Instagram entail?

Pinning a comment on Instagram means selecting a specific comment from your post to be displayed prominently at the top of the comment section. This helps highlight the comment for anyone viewing the post.

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