How to Add a Location on Instagram: A Step-by-Step Guide

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8 mins

Enhance your Instagram posts by mastering the addition of location tags, boosting visibility and engagement.


Reviewed by Chloe Bidle

Creative social media strategist, driving engagement and innovation.

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  1. Getting Started With Locations
    1. Adding Business Location to Profile
    2. Creating Custom Locations
  2. Enhancing Posts and Stories
    1. Location Tagging in Posts
    2. Including Location in Stories
    3. Sharing Locations via DM
  3. Troubleshooting Location Issues
    1. Common Location Addition Problems
    2. Custom Location Challenges
  4. Leveraging Location for Business Growth
  5. Concluding Thoughts on Instagram Locations
  6. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. What could prevent me from adding my business's location on Instagram, and how can I resolve it?
    2. Can I edit or remove a location from an existing Instagram post, and if so, how?
    3. How do you create a new custom location on Instagram for a place that's not listed?
    4. What is the process for adding a location to your Instagram bio, and can it be customized?

Adding a location to your Instagram content is a simple and effective way to increase the visibility of your personal or business profile. By tagging a geolocation on your posts, you inform your audience about where the photo or video was taken, or where your business or event is located. This feature can serve as a powerful marketing tool, enhancing reach and engagement by making your posts more discoverable. It's particularly useful for businesses looking to attract local followers and for influencers aiming to share their travels and experiences with their audience.

When you add a location tag to your Instagram content, it gets linked to a physical location on the platform, which means users interested in that particular area can come across your posts during their searches. This not only boosts the likelihood of your content appearing in the feed of potential new followers but also contributes valuable information to your analytics, helping you understand your audience better. Whether you're operating from a smartphone or a computer, the process is user-friendly and integrates seamlessly with Facebook, considering the latter owns Instagram. For businesses, especially those with a Facebook business page, this integration allows for a more unified presence across both platforms.

Your Instagram bio is another strategic place where you can include your business location to ensure that anyone visiting your profile immediately knows where your business is based or where you mostly create content. A professional or business account on Instagram can also leverage location to provide more details about their services, which in turn may convert profile visits into website traffic or customers. Utilizing location services effectively transforms your Instagram account from a mere content hub into a dynamic space where engagement, professional networking, and brand growth occur.

Getting Started With Locations

Getting your business location visible on Instagram can significantly increase discoverability and drive more traffic to your profile. Whether you're aiming to add your business location to your profile or create a custom location for posts, the process is straightforward.

Adding Business Location to Profile

To add your business location to your Instagram bio, begin by converting your account to a business profile, if you haven’t already. In Instagram, go to your profile, tap on Edit Profile, and select Try Instagram Business Tools. Follow the steps to set up your business profile. You’ll need to provide relevant details such as:

  • Name: The name of your business
  • Phone: A contact number
  • Address: Include street, city, and zip code
  • Contact options: How customers can reach out to you

Once your business profile is active, you can add your business location. In the Contact Options, you’re able to enter your business address. This will display on your profile, allowing users to quickly find your location directly from your bio.

Creating Custom Locations

To create a custom location, you'll need to use Facebook, as Instagram doesn’t directly provide this feature within its app. Head over to the Facebook app and start creating a post. Tap Check In to set up your location tag. If it's your first time, grant Facebook permission to access your location.

In the search bar, type in the name for your location and select the + symbol to create your own location. Enter a place name and choose a category that best describes the spot. The custom place you’ve created will now be available on Instagram as well when you search for locations in the Check In area of your post creation. Using a custom location can improve the visibility of specific events or unique spots related to your business on Instagram's map, aiding in the discoverability of your posts.

Enhancing Posts and Stories

Adding a location to your Instagram posts and stories enhances visibility and engagement. Geotagged locations in your content can increase discoverability by users interested in that specific area.

Location Tagging in Posts

To tag a location in your Instagram post, select the option to add a location before sharing your photo. This geotag can help your post appear in location-based searches, potentially reaching a wider audience. For increased impact, combine location tagging with relevant hashtags and a compelling Instagram caption.

Including Location in Stories

Adding a location to your Instagram story involves using the sticker icon. After taking or uploading a photo to your story, tap the sticker icon and choose 'Location'. Select the appropriate location from the list or search for it. Locations in stories can act as a filter, allowing people to find your content in story searches for that place.

Sharing Locations via DM

To share a location directly with someone, send it through Instagram's direct message. You can share a post with a geotag or use the 'Send to' option in stories to share with select followers or groups, enhancing the personalization of your content.

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Troubleshooting Location Issues

When you're facing issues with adding a location on Instagram, it can be frustrating. Ensuring that your business or personal location is visible enhances discoverability and can boost your reach on the platform.

Common Location Addition Problems

When Instagram Does Not Suggest a Location:

  • Check Your Location Services: Your device’s location settings are fundamental. Ensure location services are activated for Instagram both in your phone settings and within the app.
  • Restart the App or Phone: Sometimes, a simple restart of the Instagram app or your device can solve the issue.
  • Clear Cache/Data: For persistent problems, try clearing Instagram's cache (Android) or offloading the app (iOS).

Location Not Available in Search Results:

  • Verify with Facebook: Since Instagram uses Facebook’s location database, check if your desired location is available there.
  • Search Accurately: Use the search bar to type in the exact name of the location. Improper searches might lead to non-appearances.

Custom Location Challenges

Creating and Using Custom Locations:

  • Category Selection: When creating a custom location, you must choose a category that best describes your location to appear for appropriate check-ins.
  • Process of Addition: To add a custom location, you need to create it first on Facebook. After that, use the search bar on Instagram to find and add your new location.

Visibility to Audience:

  • Public Setting: Ensure the custom location created on Facebook is public so that it appears when you or your audience tries to add or search for the location on Instagram.
  • Consistent Information: Your business name, address, and category should be consistent across platforms to make your location easy to find and verify.

By addressing these common hurdles, you are better positioned to enhance your profile’s visibility and enable your audience to discover and interact with your location-based content.

Leveraging Location for Business Growth

When you add a location to your Instagram posts, you're taking a key step in increasing your business's visibility. Utilizing Instagram's geotag feature allows you to connect with your local audience and appear in location-specific searches, impacting your reach and discoverability.

Why Add Your Business Location?

  • Visibility: By including your business location, your posts and profile become more discoverable to users searching for or exploring local content.
  • Relevance: You tap into an audience that finds location-relevant businesses, which could lead to more followers and potential customers.
  • Engagement: Locations can drive engagement, encouraging more interactions from your local community.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Create a Geotag for Your Physical Location:

    • Check in on the Facebook app to create a geotag.
    • Tap "Check In" and select your location.
    • Type the name of your location and click the "+ Add" option.
  2. Apply the Location to Instagram Posts:

    • When posting on Instagram, use the created geotag by searching for your location and selecting it.
    • For your Instagram bio or shop, edit your business profile to include your business location.

Tips for Optimizing Location Tags:

  • Be consistent with your location tagging to strengthen your presence in local searches.
  • Encourage influencers and customers to use your location tag, increasing your content's reach.

Using your location strategically on Instagram can be a creative and effective way to grow your business and turn discovery into profit. Remember to regularly update your business profile to ensure your shop and location details are current and engaging for your audience.

Concluding Thoughts on Instagram Locations

When leveraging Instagram for your business strategy, the inclusion of a location can be a key factor in boosting visibility and engagement. The integration of geographic tags in your posts allows for greater discovery by users interested in specific locales. Whether you're managing a local shop or a global brand, adding a location ensures that your content can reach your target demographic more effectively.

  • Analytics: Pay close attention to Instagram analytics to understand how location tagging impacts your reach. Adjust your strategy accordingly based on data-driven insights.
  • Visibility: Tagging a location can position your post in a larger conversation tied to a specific area, potentially increasing the number of eyes on your content.
  • Engagement: Posts with a tagged location can encourage higher engagement rates, as users can easily find your content when searching for particular places on Instagram.

Remember, Instagram is a powerful tool for connecting with both existing and potential customers. By strategically tagging locations, you make it easier for audiences to stumble upon your brand. As a result, you may see a measurable boost in profile visits, which can translate into more followers and, ultimately, customers.

Utilize location tagging as part of your social media toolkit to expand your brand's engagement and reach. It’s not just about the visibility; it's about establishing a presence where your audience already exists.

Frequently Asked Questions

Adding a location on Instagram can help boost your visibility and connect with a local audience. Below are answers to common queries so you can effectively manage locations on your posts.

What could prevent me from adding my business's location on Instagram, and how can I resolve it?

If you are unable to add your business's location on Instagram, it could be because the location is not available or doesn't exist on Facebook's location database. To resolve this, create the location on Facebook first by checking in and then selecting your new location or creating a custom one. Once the location is established on Facebook, it will be available on Instagram.

Can I edit or remove a location from an existing Instagram post, and if so, how?

Yes, you can edit or remove a location from an existing Instagram post. To do this, go to the post, tap the three dots at the top right to edit it, then you can tap the location name to change or remove it. Remember to save your changes by tapping 'Done.'

How do you create a new custom location on Instagram for a place that's not listed?

To create a new custom location on Instagram, start by checking into the Facebook app and creating a post with the 'Check In' feature. Type in the name of your new location, then select the '+' symbol to add it. Even if a location with the same name already exists, your custom location can still be created this way.

What is the process for adding a location to your Instagram bio, and can it be customized?

Adding a location to your Instagram bio is not a native feature of the platform. Instead, you can mention your location within the text of your bio, but this will not be a clickable location link. Customizing your bio with a location involves simply typing the desired text into your profile's bio section.

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